Friday, September 24, 2010


I believe I have "redecorated" our home about fifty times since moving in the end of July. While watching the kitten and chihuahua play (more of the hyperactive kitten "playing" with the independent chihuahua), I am suddenly horrified at the sight of a misplaced picture, or a couch that is clearly on the wrong wall completely. I don't know if it's perfectionism or pure boredom; whatever it is, my living room has had many facelifts. And, oh, the cleaning. Well, with the two aforementioned pieces of entertainment also known as Sosa the loyal chihuahua and Aubri the playful kitten, there is plenty of dusting and vacuuming to be done. Never a lack of laundry and kitchen and bathroom cleaning in our household, yet with no job and no human children (yes I consider Sosa and Aubri my babies), there is plenty of time to practice keeping house. My clean house is a very deceptive guise for "good house keeping skills". Those have yet to be proven, until I have to balance it with a full schedule. I am thankful for the time to master these skills for when I do have less time to devote to it.

Our women's ministry at church is currently doing a wonderful Bible study on personal revival. Admittedly, my "straight by the book", black-and-white personality was at first unsure about the idea. "Personal revival!? Where is that in the Bible?" Desperate for deep relationships in my new town, I decided to see what this was all about. And I am so glad God brought me there. Contrary to my simple minded ideas, personal revival is all over the Bible. Specifically we are looking at Hosea.  This week the author discussed humility, and boy did it get personal. This morning's lesson ended the week with a personal inventory. Let me sum it up by saying it was a very convicting experience. I have a lot of "redecorating" to do. It was as if I had been just doing the next thing, which happened to be the women's Bible study, fellowshipping with other women then "bam!" I am suddenly horrified with the sight of my sin.  How could I be so prideful?!? What do I even have to prideful about??!!  And wow, does pride affect everything! This can be very overwhelming and quite depressing. As Romans 7:15 says "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I do not want to do, I do." Can you feel the frustration?!

Yet there is hope. Recently I have been studying through Psalm 119. The parallel between that and the revival study has been fascinating. (Remember, I am a housewife with only a dog and cat to take care of, so lots of time on my hands). While discovering my faults and struggles in the Bible study, the psalmist provides hope.  Section Beth (v9-16) gives an explanation of how someone can keep the law: by treasuring His Word. Daleth (v25-32) has been my personal favorite thus far. The Psalmist is clearly confronted with his depravity and is yearning for revival. Yes, in verse 25 NASB uses the word "revive" is used. Silly me, revival is in the Bible. "My soul cleaves to the dust; (possibly the feelings we goes through when fully confronted with our sin) revive me according to Your Word."  So where do you find the guide to "housekeeping"? God's Word. Verse 31: "I cling to You testimonies." Cling! This is the same word for your belt clinging to your waist. That's pretty tight (sometimes tighter than others!). :)  Who or what do we cling to when confronted with sin? The true relief is found in God's Word and none other. 

As long as we are on this earth, there will be plenty of housekeeping and redecorating to be done. But thank God, He has given us the Guide!

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