Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Count Your Blessings

 1 Chronicles 16:34- Give thanks to the LORD for He is good; His love endures forever.

*in no particular order

1. My Husband:
He always enjoys having fun. He includes me in his ministry work here, and provides for me (jobless) with no complaint.
2.My Dad:
He is a great example of self-sacrificing. He always stands up forwhat is right and for what God has called him to do.
3.  My Mom:
She is more concerned about the welfare of others than that of herself. She is always ready to listen and provide encouragement.

4. My sisters Emily and Kelsey:
They are both so much fun and always know how to have a good time! They are always ready to listen and encourage, each in her own way.
5. My brothers Christopher and Caleb:
They are both very committed to their ministries. Like my Dad, they are very self-less and always look for opportunities to serve others.
6. My friend Amanda Johnson:
Though we have only been friends for a few months, she has been one of most encouraging friends I've ever had. She is always ready to listen and provide honest advise. She encourages me with honesty about her own openess.
7.  My friend Rebecca Hager:
She has been my loyal friend since birth! I can always count on Rebecca to be there for me. Seriously, she's been there through the thick and thin!
8. My In-Laws:
They are all very supportive and very generous. They are all ready at a moments notice to help with anything.
9.  My chihuahua and kitten:
They give me loyal company and entertainment while at home! Seriously, I can't walk to another room without a small parade behind me. Ha!
10. God's Word:
What a comfort it brings! God's Word is the guidebook for life. It provides encouragement for the  Christians and convictions for the sinner.

There is sooo much more to be thankful for but that would take days!! Take the challenge and make note of things you are most thankful for. Notice how God has blessed you! The relief and comfort that comes is well worth the time.

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