Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Call to Missions

Webster defines missionary as "one who undertakes a mission, especially a religious mission".  When most people hear the term missionary that think of someone who has this major calling from God to go overseas. Not too long ago I heard a lady tell an overseas missionary, "I am so sorry you have to live over there." Somehow people have developed a wrong view of true missions. I would like to submit that every Christian is called to missions.

In Matthew 28, Jesus gives all Christians what is known as "the Great Commission."
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

That is the mission given to all believers. So, technically, every one of us  is a missionary. The teacher is a missionary to her students and her fellow teachers; the athlete is a missionary to his team, coaches, and fans; the doctor is a missionary to his patients and staff. And that's just on the career side of life; we are missionaries to  our neighbors, we missionaries to the people we see at the grocery store. 

So, I am a missionary to the people in this new south Georgia town (the culture shock makes that one not hard to believe!); I am a missionary to my neighbors; I am a missionary  to the students and teachers when I sub. You never know what action or word those around you notice that makes them say "She is different!"

  Now, before you can applied this call to missions you need to ask yourself, "Am I different?" This should be a relief to Christians. "I always knew I didn't fit in; what a relief!"  But if that is not the case, some evaluating needs to be done. Why do you fit in with the world? Can they even tell you are different?!

You have been called to missions. Now go live it! 


  1. Great post! It doesn't matter what your job title is, we're all called to the same thing. I hope I remember that in the coming months.

  2. I needed to hear his today...Thanks :)
